Today was our last day of ministry here in Mexico City.
Amy took me to Reclusivio Norte, a huge prison in the north of Mexico City.
Reclusivio Norte has 13,000 prisoners, and they currently are building an extension to the prison which looks like it will hold another 5,000 – staggering.
Amy took me to two sections of the prison. The first area we went to was a section where some prisoners had started their own church. There were about 30 of us gathered in an exercise yard. Unfortunately many of the prisoners were not allowed to come outside because of a lock-down following a stabbing in that section of the prison a week ago.
Most of those gathered were already Christian, but as I shared my testimony and preached I saw some men being very deeply touched by the Holy Spirit. When I made the altar call four men gave their lives to Jesus for the first time – Hallelujah!
I prayed with them and then we had a time of ministry for all of them. The Lord ministered many prophetic words, words of knowledge, healing and deliverance for them – it was an incredible time.
One testimony in particular touched me.
One man had committed a crime here in Mexico and then fled to the United States, to Los Angeles. When he reached LA a friend took him to the Church on the Way in Van Nuys (a Foursquare church) where he gave his life to Christ.
He was then offered a job in Miami, so he moved there to live.
God really began to move in his life, and after some time his wife and daughter joined him from Mexico, where they stayed for the next four years.
All that time God was working in his life about his past, and eventually he said to the Lord that he knew he had to deal with his past, and prayed that the Lord would deal with him as he saw fit.
Two weeks later he was arrested by the FBI, returned to Mexico, and sentenced to 50 years. Despite the pain of his past, his own and the pain he had caused to others, there was a great peace in him that was evident as we spoke. He had come to the place of complete surrender.
The Lord gave me a word for him that greatly encouraged him – I believe God will use this man in a mighty way!
Amy then took me to meet an ex gang member from Miami who was caught smuggling drugs out of Mexico. His crew had also been caught with methamphetamine worth $19 million.
This was a man who had known God until the age of 16 when he turned his back on God. I shared my testimony with him and he surrendered his life to Jesus.
What a great time we have had here, the Lord has really used us, and God is also using us to really touch Amy in a fresh way – a fresh impartation that I believe will give her breakthrough after breakthrough in her ministry.
Gloria a Dios!
Reclusivio Norte prison, Mexico City
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