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  • Healing Reign event – Saturday 4th April 2015

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    John Hemans


    Our special Easter weekend Healing Reign event is coming up on Saturday 4th April, at Bigge Park, Bigge Street, Liverpool.

    We take the Gospel of the Kingdom to our communities under an open heaven, without the four walls of a church building!
    We minister the Gospel in healing, deliverance, the message of salvation and spirit-filled worship.
    We share testimonies of the transforming power of relationship with Jesus, and love on the people of our community with healing prayer, prophetic ministry, and provide a free sausage sizzle and a jumping castle for the kids.

    We preach the Word of God in expectation of signs and wonders following, and our desire is to see God’s Spirit poured out so that people come into relationship with Jesus, are set free, healed and restored.

    Some testimonies from our team members from our last event in March –

    From Phil…

    1. Before the event started I saw a man walking down the path in the park and I could see he obviously had back pain as he was doing the “gymnastics thing” twisting etc as he was walking. As he got closer I asked he if he needed a miracle in his back. He said how did I know, I said God told me that he was going to heal backs today. He had had a car accident a year ago and damaged his back and neck as well as right shoulder. I prayed and I could sense God’s power doing something in his back, and he felt better, not 100% but some change and he thanked me for praying for him. He was a Catholic Russian/Ukrainian man who does believe Praise God!
    2. An Irish/Scottish woman (forgot her name) who I could see had a hip and back issue was due to have a hip operation and has disappointed that God had not come through as yet with her healing. I asked if i could pray but she didn’t want to create a “scene” and so we prayed away from the main area. The power of God was so strong that two of the other ladies there with us were also getting hit along with her. I asked how she was and there was improvement and so we will need to wait to see if the operation goes ahead or not…
    3. There was a Muslim family that came but did not speak a word of English, they only spoke Arabic. I tried to ask if any one in the family had pain in their bodies but they could not understand a thing I was saying. They ended up sitting down and staying for a few minutes. However what was bizarre was that just moments before there was an Philippino woman telling us we need not be afraid and we should witness to Muslims etc. She had several tracts and bibles in Arabic in her bag, I don’t think she was part of anyone’s church and just happened to be there out of the blue. When I saw the muslim family sitting down I asked some people if they spoke Arabic but to no avail. Then I remember the Philippino woman if I could have one of her bibles for this family and some other tracts in Arabic so I could give to them. I gave them to this family and they left shortly after. After I wondered who this Philippino woman was but she disappeared…may be an angel? We may never know and this family may now have the opportunity to know Jesus Amen!
    4. There was a woman who was waiting for a friend who had back pain and a myriad of other issues. So I asked if I could pray for her back and she could feel the power of God working. I got her to bend and first she couldn’t touch her toes but after I prayed again she could touch her toes praise God!

    From John –

    1. I prayed for an older woman who had lost the ability to raise her left arm following cancer surgery. As soon as I prayed for her she was able to raise her arm over her head with complete freedom and with no pain.
    2. A young girl who I prayed for at the February event for chronic asthma has now been two months without using Ventolin, something she previously had to use nearly every day !
    3. Pastor Phil responded to word of Knowledge for a fractured left foot bone, received prayer (from a number of us I think) but there was no noticeable difference at first…but when he woke up Tuesday morning, for the first time in weeks he could walk with weight on the heel with very little pain, normally he had to place all his weight on the front of his foot because of the pain and that was causing other problems. Not a 100% yet but praise God it is heaps better than Saturday before the word was given!

    From Harry –

    1. I prayed for one lady who had pain throughout her body, and she reported that all her pain had left.
    2. A lady with back issues experienced reduced pain after prayer

    Map – Healing Reign events location

    © Kingdom Reign Ministries 2023 email john@kingdomreign.org.au