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  • Church in the Park June 7 2014

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    John Hemans

    church-in-the-park-june-2014We’ve had two events cancelled due to bad weather so far this year, but we believe our Church in the Park event coming up on Saturday 7th June will be one of the best ever!

    We are being joined by teams from Open Heaven Church, Healing Rooms NSW and the Prophetic Evengelism School from Wollongong.

    We will give away food, entertain the kids with a jumping castle, our worship team will usher in the manifest presence of God, God’s Word will be preached, and signs and wonders will follow as we pray for the sick and give testimony to the amazing God we serve!

    Church in the Park is held  in Bigge Park, Bigge Street, Liverpool, from 12PM to 2PM.



    © Kingdom Reign Ministries 2023 email john@kingdomreign.org.au