There are degrees of sin, but we all have that flaw of the capacity to do wrong that only relationship with Jesus can mend.
Our society tends to lump prison inmates into a stereotype, and judge them long past the completion of their sentences. Recidivism rates are often quoted as support for the ‘Zero tolerance’ policies of various governments, but you only have to hear some of the stories behind some of these people’s lives to wonder if you or I would have been any different.
There is no place for an “us and them” mentality in the heart of a Christian – when Jesus ministered here on earth 2000 years ago he came to the lost.
We minister in prisons through chapel services, evangelistic events and outreach concerts – worship music followed by the sharing of the Gospel.
We have ministered throughout New South Wales here in Australia, and overseas in gaols and prisons in Central America (in Mexico, Nicaragua and Honduras).
Photo Gallery from past prison ministry trips…