John Hemans, the founder of Kingdom Reign Ministries, is an apostolic leader who along with his wife Kerry also pastors Open Heaven Church in Sydney.
John Hemans is the senior pastor of Open Heaven Church, and is an ordained minister of the Foursquare Church Australia. His wife Kerry is a licensed minister with the Foursquare Church.
Both John and Kerry have remarkable testimonies of God’s saving and transforming power in their lives.
John was radically saved in 1996 in a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
In his own words…
“I ran away from God as a teenager, having been brought up in a Christian home. In my years of rebellion I fell into drug addiction and lived a life that was as far away from Jesus as I could get.
But Jesus is a redeemer, and now he uses the very things I fell into as a testimony of God’s power to save, deliver, heal and restore all who are broken.”
God called John as an evangelist just a few weeks after he gave his life to Jesus Christ in 1996. He started serving in worship teams a few months later, and began giving his testimony and performing outreach concerts in prisons in 1997.
In 2003 John began to feel a burning desire to take the gospel to areas of our community that the church doesn’t always reach, and founded Church in the Park that year, in the process founding Kingdom Reign Ministries.
In 2004 John felt the call to go to Bible College, and graduated in 2007 from LIFE Bible College in Sydney Australia.
John and his wife Kerry were called to take up the role of senior pastors of Open Heaven Church (previously River of Life Church) in June 2011.
In 2018 John founded the Kingdom Supernatural School, held regularly in Open Heaven Church, a ministry school aimed at equipping people in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and discipling believers into a closer walk with Jesus.
“We are passionate about seeing Christians rise up into the call of God that He places on each believer, and passionate about the Church reaching out to those who don’t know Jesus with the full power of the Gospel” says John.
“We are burdened with an apostolic vision for our city of Liverpool, that God would touch and transform our entire city by the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe that transformation of communities, cities and even nations is on God’s heart, and that He does this through disciples committed to reaching their communities through the power of the Holy Spirit.”
John has ministered in Australia, the United States, India, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, Papua New Guinea and Tonga, in evangelistic outreach campaigns, prison ministry, street ministry, worship ministry, Kingdom schools and church services. He ministers in the preaching and teaching of God’s Word with signs and wonders following, and the Lord has used him strongly in prophetic ministry, at local, national and international level.
We are an incorporated ministry, with a committee comprised of Pastor John Hemans serving as Chairman, with Rose Shalala, Kim Pauls, Cliff Wally and Pastor Minta Baker serving as committee members.
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